Results for 'Enrique Casanovas Ruiz-Fornells'

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  1. Some remarks on indiscernible sequences.Enrique Casanovas Ruiz-Fornells - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):475.
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  2. Weak forms of elimination of imaginaries.Enrique Casanovas Ruiz-Fornells - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):126.
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  3. Stable theories with a new predicate.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1127-1140.
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    Omitting types in incomplete theories.Enrique Casanovas & Rafel Farré - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):236-245.
    We characterize omissibility of a type, or a family of types, in a countable theory in terms of non-existence of a certain tree of formulas. We extend results of L. Newelski on omitting $ non-isolated types. As a consequence we prove that omissibility of a family of $ types is equivalent to omissibility of each countable subfamily.
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    Local supersimplicity and related concepts.Enrique Casanovas & Frank O. Wagner - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):744-758.
    We study local strengthenings of the simplicity condition. In particular, we define and study a local Lascar rank, as well as short, low, supershort and superlow theories. An example of a low, non supershort theory is given.
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    Some remarks on indiscernible sequences.Enrique Casanovas - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):475-478.
    We prove a property of generic homogeneity of tuples starting an infinite indiscernible sequence in a simple theory and we use it to give a shorter proof of the Independence Theorem for Lascar strong types. We also characterize the relation of starting an infinite indiscernible sequence in terms of coheirs.
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    Compactly expandable models and stability.Enrique Casanovas - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):673-683.
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    A Supersimple Nonlow Theory.Enrique Casanovas & Byunghan Kim - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):507-518.
    This paper presents an example of a supersimple nonlow theory and characterizes its independence relation.
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  9. Imaginarios e hiperimaginarios.Enrique Casanovas - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-2):23-41.
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  10. La lógica en el siglo XX.Enrique Casanovas - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido, El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra. pp. 701--722.
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    | T|+‐resplendent models and the Lascar group.Enrique Casanovas & Rodrigo Peláez - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (6):626-631.
    In this paper we show that in every |T |+-resplendent model N , for every A ⊆ N such that |A | ≤ |T |, the group Autf of strong automorphisms is the least very normal subgroup of the group Aut and the quotient Aut/Autf is the Lascar group over A . Then we generalize this result to every |T |+-saturated and strongly |T |+-homogeneous model.
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    Conception of university extension from Santiago of Cuba medical sciences.Daniel Sebastián García Torres, Rosandra Díaz Suárez, Miguel Enrique Sánchez Hechavarría & Mirelna Mendoza Ruíz - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):566-575.
    RESUMEN El presente artículo está dirigido a sistematizar una concepción teórica y metodológica que sustente el proceso de extensión universitaria en la carrera de Medicina en Cuba. Entre los resultados se destaca el lugar y papel de la extensión universitaria en el sistema de la formación integral del profesional a la que se asigna una connotación especial, de marcado contenido axiológico, coherente con las necesidades y proyecciones sociales que facilita la formación del educando y fortalece la relación institución-comunidad. Es factible (...)
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    The number of types in simple theories.Enrique Casanovas - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 98 (1-3):69-86.
    We continue work of Shelah on the cardinality of families of pairwise incompatible types in simple theories obtaining characterizations of simple and supersimple theories. We develop a local analysis of the number of types in simple theories and we find a new example of a simple unstable theory.
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  14. Logical Operations and Invariance.Enrique Casanovas - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (1):33-60.
    I present a notion of invariance under arbitrary surjective mappings for operators on a relational finite type hierarchy generalizing the so-called Tarski-Sher criterion for logicality and I characterize the invariant operators as definable in a fragment of the first-order language. These results are compared with those obtained by Feferman and it is argued that further clarification of the notion of invariance is needed if one wants to use it to characterize logicality.
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    An exposition of the compactness of.Enrique Casanovas & Martin Ziegler - 2020 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 26 (3-4):212-218.
    We give an exposition of the compactness of L(QcfC), for any set C of regular cardinals.
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    Universal theories and compactly expandable models.Enrique Casanovas & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1215-1223.
    Our aim is to solve a quite old question on the difference between expandability and compact expandability. Toward this, we further investigate the logic of countable cofinality.
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    Weak forms of elimination of imaginaries.Enrique Casanovas & Rafel Farré - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):126-140.
    We study the degree of elimination of imaginaries needed for the three main applications: to have canonical bases for types over models, to define strong types as types over algebraically closed sets and to have a Galois correspondence between definably closed sets B such that A ⊆ B ⊆ acl and closed subgroups of the Galois group Aut/A). We also characterize when the topology of the Galois group is the quotient topology.
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    Dividing and chain conditions.Enrique Casanovas - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):815-819.
    We obtain a chain condition for dividing in an arbitrary theory and a new and shorter proof of a chain condition result of Shelah for simple theories.
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    Model theory of Steiner triple systems.Silvia Barbina & Enrique Casanovas - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):2050010.
    A Steiner triple system (STS) is a set S together with a collection B of subsets of S of size 3 such that any two elements of S belong to exactly one element of B. It is well known that the class of finite STS has a Fraïssé limit M_F. Here, we show that the theory T of M_F is the model completion of the theory of STSs. We also prove that T is not small and it has quantifier elimination, (...)
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    Orbits of subsets of the monster model and geometric theories.Enrique Casanovas & Luis Jaime Corredor - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (12):2152-2163.
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    Normal hyperimaginaries.Enrique Casanovas & Joris Potier - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (5-6):583-591.
    We introduce the notion of normal hyperimaginary and we develop its basic theory. We present a new proof of the Lascar-Pillay theorem on bounded hyperimaginaries based on properties of normal hyperimaginaries. However, the use of the Peter–Weyl theorem on the structure of compact Hausdorff groups is not completely eliminated from the proof. In the second part, we show that all closed sets in Kim-Pillay spaces are equivalent to hyperimaginaries and we use this to introduce an approximation of φ-types for bounded (...)
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    A test for expandability.Enrique Casanovas - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (4):221-234.
    A model $M$ of countable similarity type and cardinality $\kappa$ is expandable if every consistent extension $T_{1}$ of its complete theory with $|T_{1}|\leq \kappa$ is satisfiable in $M$ and it is compactly expandable if every such extension which additionally is finitely satisfiable in $M$ is satisfiable in $M$ . In the countable case and in the case of a model of cardinality $\geq 2^{\omega}$ of a superstable theory without the finite cover property the notions of saturation, expandability and compactness for (...)
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    Generic stability and stability.Hans Adler, Enrique Casanovas & Anand Pillay - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (1):179-185.
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    Stable Forking and Imaginaries.Enrique Casanovas & Joris Potier - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (4):497-502.
    We prove that a theory T has stable forking if and only if Teq has stable forking.
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  25. Simple theories and hyperimaginaries. Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 39.Enrique Casanovas - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (3):405-406.
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    Reseña de "Una nueva vía para la ética" de Ética de la liberación en la edad de la globalización y de la exclusión de Enrique Dussel.Pedro Enrique García Ruíz - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (1):250-255.
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    Heidegger i el segle XX.José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 34:95-103.
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  28. Menger's Trace in Fuzzy Logic.Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (3):89-96.
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    Geopolítica de la alteridad. Levinas y la filosofía de la liberación de E. Dussel.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2014 - Isegoría 51:777-792.
    La relevancia del pensamiento de Emmanuel Levinas para comprender el surgimiento de la filosofía de la liberación –uno de los movimientos filosóficos más importantes de América Latina durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX– es innegable. En este artículo se analiza la interpretación geopolítica y analógica que Enrique Dussel realizó de los conceptos levinasianos de “Alteridad” y “Otro” para mostrar su equivocidad en el ámbito de lo político.
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  30. Apunte sobre la indistinguibilidad.Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 1993 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 8 (1):23-49.
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    Sí mismo para otro. Un debate sobre ética e identidad en Emmanuel Levinas y Paul Ricoeur.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2013 - Franciscanum 55 (159).
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    ¿Ontología fundamental o teoría del conocimiento? Heidegger crítico del Neokantismo.Pedro Enrique García Ruíz - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:125-150.
    In 1929 spring, a philosophical encounter occurs in the University of Davos between Germany and France. The central subject was the question What is the man? As opposed to the expectation to presence a debate between the French philosophy and the German one, the center of the encounter was the d..
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  33. Modus ponens y Modus tollens.Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Preface.Klaus Ambos-Spies, Joan Bagaria, Enrique Casanovas & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1177.
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    Chlorophyll-α forecasting using LSTM, bidirectional LSTM and GRU networks in El Mar Menor (Spain).Javier González-Enrique, María Inmaculada RodrÍguez-GarcÍa, Juan Jesús Ruiz-Aguilar, MarÍa Gema Carrasco-GarcÍa, Ivan Felis Enguix & Ignacio J. Turias - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The objective of this research is to develop accurate forecasting models for chlorophyll-α concentrations at various depths in El Mar Menor, Spain. Chlorophyll-α plays a crucial role in assessing eutrophication in this vulnerable ecosystem. To achieve this objective, various deep learning forecasting techniques, including long short-term memory, bidirectional long short-term memory and gated recurrent uni networks, were utilized. The models were designed to forecast the chlorophyll-α levels with a 2-week prediction horizon. To enhance the models’ accuracy, a sliding window method (...)
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    (1 other version)El retorno a la subjetividad viva.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (21):215-223.
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    Alteridade Y Comunicación.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2004 - Phainomenon 9 (1):175-189.
    This paper analyzes the concept of alterity in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas and its importance to make a critic of the ethical ones of dialogical inspiration. As opposed to the conception of the intersubjective relations founded on in a previous community, the alterity concept shows the necessity to think the sense to us of the ethics from the other.
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    La representación del Otro : figuras de la alteridad en la conquista de América, una propuesta fenomenológica.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:219.
    Este ensayo analiza el problema de la alteridad desde la perspectiva que lafenomenología husserliana ofrece. Tomando como hilo conductor los conceptos de “experiencia de lo extraño” y “analogía,” se considera que la conquista de América es un excelente ejemplo de la pertinencia de esta manera de entender la alteridad cultural.This paper analyzes the problem of the alterity from the perspective that theHusserlian phenomenology offers. Taking as a thread the concepts of “experience of the strange” and “analogy”, the conquest of America (...)
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    Fenomenología y ontología en el joven Levinas.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 31 (1):123-141.
    En este artículo abordo algunos de los aspectos más importantes de la concepción filosófica del joven Emmanuel Levinas, centrándome en los tres siguientes: la conciencia como ser absoluto, la irreductibilidad de la teoría y la concepción del método fenomenológico.
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    Heidegger and XXth Century.José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 34:95.
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  41. Modernidad, ciudadanía y multiculturalismo: las transformaciones de la identidad.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2008 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 32:97-114.
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    Constructivismo ético y teleología del bien Rawls y Ricoeur sobre lo justo.Pedro Enrique García Ruíz - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (2):117-138.
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    ¿Naturalizar la conciencia? Husserl y la tesis de la excepción humana.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:99.
    Uno de los aspectos dominantes en los desarrollos de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades en la actualidad es la adaptación de enfoques naturalistas. Los programas naturalistas rechazan el estatuto de lo humano que había defendido tradicionalmente la filosofía al sostener que la conciencia es reducible a un hecho contingente y, por lo tanto, puede comprenderse desde un criterio meramente objetivista. El filósofo francés Jean-Marie Schaeffer llama a esta postura la “tesis de la excepción humana” y sostiene que la fenomenología (...)
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    Students’ perception of CSR and its influence on business performance. A multiple mediation analysis.Enrique Claver-Cortés, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Mercedes Úbeda-García, Francisco García-Lillo, Laura Rienda-García, Patrocinio Carmen Zaragoza-Sáez, Rosario Andreu-Guerrero, Encarnación Manresa-Marhuenda, Pedro Seva-Larrosa, Lorena Ruiz-Fernández, Eduardo Sánchez-García & Esther Poveda-Pareja - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (4):722-736.
    Firm managers play an important role in the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions. Education is emerging as the key factor in developing a sense of moral responsibility amongst the business students who will eventually become company managers and decision makers. The aim of this research is, thus, twofold. First, to analyze the existence of a direct positive correlation between university students’ perception of CSR and its impact on business performance; and second, to examine the extent to which two (...)
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  45. Some Remarks on Vague Predicates.Josep Maria Terricabras Nogueras & Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 1988 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (1):1-12.
  46. Sobre preórdenes y operadores de consecuencias de Tarski.Juan Luis Castro Peña & Enrique Trillas Ruiz - 1989 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (2):419-425.
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    La visión memorable: sobre las huellas de la emoción en la tauromaquia, la poesía y la pintura, como ejemplos de transparencia en la expresión artística.Enrique Andrés Ruiz - 1995 - Sevilla: Renacimiento.
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    Physical Exercise and Fitness Level Are Related to Cognitive and Psychosocial Functioning in Adolescents.Rafael Enrique Reigal, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Enrique Casanovas. Simple theories and hyperimaginaries. Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 39. ASL and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011, 184 pp. [REVIEW]Bradd Hart - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (3):405-406.
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    El videojuego de temática histórica como arte visual: anacronías conscientes y licencias creativas en la representación de espacios urbanos de la saga Assassin’s Creed.Jose Enrique Ocaña Romero & Francisco Javier Ruíz del Olmo - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):41-63.
    A partir de la revisión de bibliografía especializada y del análisis crítico-constructivo del trabajo de Dow (2013) que examina los anacronismos existentes en la recreación digital de la ciudad de Florencia en el videojuego Assassin’s Creed II (2009), el presente trabajo explora la capacidad que tienen este tipo de videojuegos para reconstruir la ambientación de un período histórico concreto a partir del uso de anacronismos derivados de licencias creativas y de las necesidades artísticas propias del videojuego. Los resultados demuestran que (...)
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